Worship Devotions

“We have heard that God is with you”

Once you become a Christian, your life’s journey becomes infinitely more complex, doesn’t it? You now bear a testimony as a living witness to the goodness of God and with that, the Lord will continue to unfold His plan of salvation for all of the world. This is why the world needs you. Maybe you have never realized how important you are, but it’s true! This about this: There are people who will pay attention to the gospel simply because you are the one sharing it!

You don’t have to be a perfect Christian to share the gospel. Look at Peter who denied Jesus. Look at Thomas, filled with doubt. Look at James and John, filled with anger. Look at Mary Magdalene, the prostitute. Look Nathaniel of Cana, a mocker. Look at Saul of Tarsus, a killer. Jesus changed all of the world through them! Obviously it wasn’t because they were perfect that God used used them, so what was it? It was their willingness. Are you willing?? If so, the Lord will take that and run with it! It was the theologian D.L. Moody who said, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him.” Perhaps one of the reasons many Christians don’t do more in the Kingdom of God is because they underestimate the extreme importance of what God needs them to do. But you know who does realize how important you are? Satan.

Perhaps one of the reasons many Christians don’t do more in the Kingdom of God is because they underestimate the extreme importance of what God needs them to do.

Maybe in your life fear has been the master up until now, but faith will lead you forward. You don’t ever need to fear Satan. If you know who you are in Christ, HE FEARS YOU. You are a high value target for Satan and you represent a clear and present danger to his plan to wipe out anyone made in God’s image. This is why Satan tries to keep you disconnected from God in worship by ensnaring you in opinions of others. This is why you struggle with anxiety or rejection when you think about sharing the gospel. This is why you’re too busy to serve in a ministry at church. Satan’s strategy is to keep the weak person weak so the lost remain lost. If you never, ever realize your true power to change the world then Satan has done his job. How can you change the world? By first letting God change you. If you are willing, tell the Lord that. Specifically say it to Him. Yes, He’s God, but He does need YOU and what you have to offer to the world. He made you for a purpose and THIS IS IT!

Thought for today

Zechariah 8:20-23, “…many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek theΒ Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before theΒ Lord.’ Thus says theΒ Lord of hosts: β€˜In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, β€œLet us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.‘”Β People know you’re a Christian and they are watching to see what you’re going to do about it, every, single time. But that’s okay! Even if you fall short, let them see you fall to your knees! They want to be convinced that Jesus is the way, even if they don’t see it within themselves. You keep being a living witness!

TheΒ LordΒ GodΒ has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak aΒ word in season toΒ him who isΒ weary.Β He awakens Me morning by morning,Β He awakens my ear to hear as the learned.”Β (Isaiah 50:4) God is always speaking if you’ll stop to hear them, and His words always have purpose if you’ll move to carry it out. There’s always an assignment for you in the Kingdom. Every day He has a fresh word for you, but not only for your own edification, no! What God has given you, He has given to the world through you – so what are you going to do about it?

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Don’t forget to pick up a copy ofΒ The Way of the WorshipperΒ on Amazon – and AVAILABLE NOW you can also purchaseΒ The Way of the Worshipper: A Devotional WorkbookΒ forΒ deeper study, personal examination and spiritual growth!


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