If His love has earned your loyalty, His wonders deserve your worship
The love of God is freely available to everyone- every, single human being on earth. Jesus died for each one, so that all would have the opportunity to choose salvation (2 Peter 3:9). He loves each person equally (Acts 10:34), Peter said. However, “…he who fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (Acts 10:35) That is something entirely different. Being loved by God and being accepted by God are not the same thing, according to the Bible. It’s an unpopular sentiment, but it is Biblical truth none-the-less. As a person who has willingly chosen to serve Jesus Christ there are responsibilities and sacrifices that you need to walk through.
Does everyone who claims to serve Christ take these upon themselves? Nope! And those are the very Christians who wonder why life is so hard; who have embraced the erroneous concept of God using “suffering” as a teaching tool; who are always defeated, never overcoming. “Whoever will lose his life for My sake will find it,” Jesus said in Matthew 16:25. Sacrifice is a necessary component of sanctification…if that is what you truly want. The Levites were eternally recognized and blessed by God for their obedient sacrifice, gave up everything for Him, to be at His side, to be on His side. Here’s what the Lord had to say about it in Malachi 2:5-7:
β¦in everything else you’ll walk through He will protect, guide and cover you- but in worship? That’s entirely on you.
“My covenant with (Levi) was for life and peace, and I gave them to him. With awe he feared Me, and he was reverent before My name. True instruction was in his mouth, and injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and with uprightness, and turned many away from iniquity. For a priestβs lips should preserve knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts.”
[Read the entire chapter, “Living Like a Levite” in The Way of the Worshipper]
The Levites were serious about their devotion to God to the point of forsaking all others to honor Him and their actions proved it, and the blessing they received extended into eternity.
Thought for today
Worship is an obedient sacrifice, and it’s one that the Lord has specifically asked for. He has asked for nothing else in return. In fact, everything else you’ll walk through He will protect, guide and cover you- but in worship? That’s entirely on you. Your worship is a directly reflection of your heart attitude, of your gratitude. You can say you’re thankful, but if you don’t show it with a physical act of worship- you aren’t. You can say you’re worshipping, but if you’re holding it all inside- you aren’t. You can say God knows your heart… and He does. Your refusal to set everything aside to worship Him with your own body is very telling about the heart’s condition. Yet God is patient, and loving- that’s true! Can you give Him something more today than you gave Him yesterday? Can you step outside of your comfort zone and show Him your worship? What will everyone think? Who care! He thinks you’re fantastic. Get into worship. He can’t wait to meet you there!