Worship Devotions

Throw yourself at Jesus’ feet and don’t let go!

After Jesus had risen from death, His tomb was empty. Hallelujah! But this had not yet been discovered by His followers when a group of women went to visit His tomb. When the women arrived, an angel gave them the joyous news that He had risen, just as He’d said. The angel told the women to share the news with the disciples and as they ran away with joy, Jesus, Himself met them on their way. The immediate response of these women was to grab hold of His feet and worship Him. These women were the very first people Jesus appeared to after His death and resurrection. Do you know why??

Remember, one of those women had previously anointed Jesus’ feet for burial (John 12:1-8). The other had refused to leave her place at Jesus’ feet even when criticized by her sister, Martha (Luke 10:38-42). These two women were well acquainted with Jesus’ feet! So, it was a natural response for them to throw themselves down to His feet and worship when He met them. These two women had no problem grabbing onto Jesus’ feet, even though feet are generally considered to be a dirtier part of the body. It didn’t matter. That is the humility of obedient worship. Any part of touching Jesus Christ is enough.

Living your life at the feet of Jesus, no matter who wants to criticize or complain, qualifies you to be those whom He appears to first.

The real power is in understanding this: They touched His feet with their hands, but they touched His heart with their worship. One was a willing act of humility, the other was an act of worship. Even more profound is this: They were able to throw themselves at His feet because they had already been there before. Remember, worship is a lifestyle. Worship is something you are, not something you do. Living your life at the feet of Jesus, no matter who wants to criticize or complain, qualifies you to be those whom He appears to first. Jesus appeared to the two Marys even before He saw His own disciples because these women lived their lives at His feet, openly, unapologetically and without shame. Their love and servitude to Jesus was without question, without qualification and without hesitation. And He went to them, first.

Thought for today

We all live in the hope that Jesus will reveal Himself to us – that His glorious appearing in our circumstances will transform everything. Why? Because when Jesus rose from death, He had broken, once and for all people and for all time, the curse of sin. If Satan had known what would be accomplished through Jesus, he would never, ever, ever have allowed Jesus to be crucified! That victory, through Jesus Christ, is ours in every situation! Living a lifestyle that doesn’t just “include” worship, but that is worship, that is ministry to Him is what puts us at His feet. Then, when the power of Jesus Christ in all His glory is made manifest, those who have put themselves at His feet are those who will see it first!

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